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OCR: fit Delphi 2.0 Project1 X File Edit Search View Project Run Component Database Workgroups Tools Help Standard Additional Win95 | Dialogs |System Data Access Data Controls Project1.dpr X Project1 Object Inspector x library Projectl; Properties Events { Important note about DLL memory management: ShareMer the first unit in your interface section's USES clause exports any procedures or functions that pass string } function results. This applies to all strings passed your DLL -- even those that are nested in records and c. is the interface unit to the DELPHIMM. DLL, which must along with your DLL. To avoid using DELPHIMM. DLL, pass information using PChar or ShortString parameters. } uses SysUtils, Classes; begin end. 11: 1 Modified Insert Start E. Delphi32 By Microsoft Wo ... 1 Delphi32 Exploring . C ... LES Writing